Shand has already started to document the various city holidays, which worry most sane people, but not us.
Unfortunately John Mackin, whose reality I have backed up on a 9 track, in tar format, is no longer around to tell the old stories, but he was certainly involved in them. I remember the time we fixed a broken 32V file-system's /etc with a screwdriver, sticky tape, adb, dd and a magtape.
And then there is the time we had to terrify suzy.
In February 1998 I had to upgrade, 'cos IIA is just not up the job. So, I bought a defeat level IIIA vest manufactured by KATA, in Israel, from Doursoüx in Paris. Sure is a fine article; 1.3kg, 28 layer Kevlar and Spectra-Shield mix.
Keeps those 9mm, 124 grain, FMJ rounds out and has pocket for the metal plate (over the heart) to keep those 7.62 rounds at bay. Ya never know when you gonna come up against an AK-47.
For an explanation of defeat levels, check out the NIJ Threat Levels.
The dudes at
are way cool. They did the uniforms
for Mission Impossible and really know their stuff.
He probably even has photos of Georgio and Caroline.
Village Corner, 142 Bleecker St. NY 10012. phone: +1 212 473 9762 fax: +1 212 529 4742