Hôpital Hôtel Dieu 28-4-2000

Off to the Hôpital Hôtel Dieu to get some more 'rays, the remaining 14 staples removed and a general check up on the knee caper. So it's back to work on 2 May 2000. Still gotta wear the splint and have 20 physio sessions to get through (beer is recommended after physio 'cos it numbs the mental and physical pain you're going through after the session).

The hospital, Nôtre Dame and St Michel RER.

Random X-ray stuff:

Staple removal and a new dressing:

Random shots of some of the art and other stuff around the courtyard:

The street of the cat who fishes:

Then to the Path Lab, at Arts et Metiers, for a platelette count, followed by a liquid breakfast (gotta keep that blood sugar up):

And then on 17 October 2000 there was the removal of one of the stainless steel bars.

© 2000, Boyd Roberts: boyd@planete.net